Seamoss Capsule (90 capsules)

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One of the powerful supplements is sea moss. Sea moss contains many beneficial nutrients. Some of the nutrients contained in sea moss are:

Carbohydrate, sugar fiber, fat, magnesium, selenium, potassium, vitamin B2, vitamin B9, vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin K

  • Treat anemia
  • Sea moss is iron-dense.

Anemia may also be caused by a deficiency of iron, known as iron deficiency anemia, which reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

Sea moss, rich in nutrients such as iron, helps fight against iron deficiency anemia.

  • Treat thyroid disorder

Sea moss or Irish moss contains a good amount of iodine, which aid the production of thyroid hormones. This way, the consumption of sea moss may prevent some thyroid disorder caused by the lack of thyroid hormone production by the thyroid gland. One of the signs of thyroid disorder is when we, especially women, quickly gain weight despite dieting and staying committed to an exercise program.

  • Relieve asthma

Sea moss is also used as an expectorant, which effectively removes mucus.

Sea Moss has anti-inflammatory properties, which is able to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract.

  • Detoxifying property

The crunchy sea moss contains a compound called Algin. Algin is a kind of phytonutrient that functions as a detoxifier.

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ContentOne of the powerful supplements is sea moss. Sea moss contains many beneficial nutrients. Some of the nutrients contained in sea moss are: Carbohydrate, sugar fiber, fat, magnesium, selenium, potassium, vitamin B2, vitamin B9, vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin K
  • Treat anemia
  • Sea moss is iron-dense.
Anemia may also be caused by a deficiency of iron, known as iron deficiency anemia, which reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Sea moss, rich in nutrients such as iron, helps fight against iron deficiency anemia.
  • Treat thyroid disorder
Sea moss or Irish moss contains a good amount of iodine, which aid the production of thyroid hormones. This way, the consumption of sea moss may prevent some thyroid disorder caused by the lack of thyroid hormone production by the thyroid gland. One of the signs of thyroid disorder is when we, especially women, quickly gain weight despite dieting and staying committed to an exercise program.
  • Relieve asthma
Sea moss is also used as an expectorant, which effectively removes mucus. Sea Moss has anti-inflammatory properties, which is able to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract.
  • Detoxifying property
The crunchy sea moss contains a compound called Algin. Algin is a kind of phytonutrient that functions as a detoxifier.
Kidney Tonifyer is a natural herbal remedy that supports healthy kidney function and fluid balance. This plant-based product is formulated to help cleanse harmful wastes and urinary irritants from the body. It supports detoxification and repair of the tubules in the kidney.HSBC Herbal Pile Fixer Capsules is a natural herbal remedy specifically formulated to contain an array of highly potent natural ingredients that help to pile.

It’s a one-stop herbal supplement for resolving piles and associated symptoms.

Health Benefits of HSBC Herbal Pile Fixer Capsule:

  • Resolves rectal vein inflammation
  • Resolves associated pain and itching
  • Highly effective for hemorrhoids (pile) remedy, anal fissure, and prolapse of the rectum.
  • Shrinks swollen hemorrhoidal tissues
USAGE:- Adult - 3 caps once daily with warm water
Nerves care is a natural herbal remedy specifically formulated to support healthy nerves in men and women. For the overall stimulation, healing, and wellness of the nervous system.
  • Resolves nerve damage
  • Relieves nerve pain
  • For numbness
  • Resolves neuromuscular weakness
  • Relieves tingling sensation (pins & needles feeling)
  • Relieves burning sensation in feet
  • Resolves Hyperesthesia.
HBSC ANTI-HYPERTENSION TEA is a natural herbal remedy specifically formulated to contain an array of highly potent natural ingredients that help to ensure the health of the heart and blood vessels as well as maintain normal blood pressure readings at all times. It’s a one-stop herbal supplement for lowering blood pressure.

Health Benefits of HBSC Anti-Hypertension Tea:

  • Ensures overall heart and vessel health and wellness
  • Lowers blood pressure in the case of a spike
  • Resolves atherosclerosis (fat buildup in blood vessels)
  • Ensures better cardiac rhythm
  • Resolves palpitations
  • Relieves stress
USAGE - 1 tea bag to be steeped in 25cl of hot water and taken twice daily.

Clear Vision Kit is the Best Solution for:

  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Watery Eye
  • Night Blindness
  • Itchy/Red Eye
  • Blurry Vision
  • Old Age Eyes Issues
  • Long/Short Sightedness
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